China says it faces rising risks from imported cases, "not right time" for travel bubbles; Boeing expects China’s airlines to acquire 8,600 new airplanes valued at USD 1.4 trillion in 20 years.
WebBed insights on China and Korea travel; sees demand rise in Singapore and Hong Kong.
Hyatt’s outlook in China, US hinges strongly on virus; Chinese airlines shunning some deliveries of Airbus aircraft.
Globally, Emirates Airline has a strong lead over other airlines with a Safe Travel Score of 4.4 out of 5.0.
Civic groups call for probe into Chinese investment in Taiwan online travel agency; China Southern Airlines reports first quarterly profit since pandemic hit.
India in touch with China to facilitate "essential travel"; China will account for half of the nearly 600,000 new hotel rooms to be added in years.
Singapore-Hong Kong bubble spurs Christmas travel bookings; Shanghai International Resort projects 20% fewer visitors this year.
The potential of fintech apps and the possibility of how payment and other finance-related activities can pave way for a travel-related buy are being evaluated in China.