Some 271 hotels in Wuhan and 47 hotels in nearby areas have so far provided 6,056 medical workers with over 40,000 room nights of free accommodation.
Airlines and major hotel chains are waiving cancellation fees, but recouping all the costs associated with trips canceled due to coronavirus fears is far from guaranteed.
At a time when the country is mobilizing medical teams nation-wide to fight the virus in Wuhan, China’s travel industry is also taking measures to participate in the fight.
Guest room incomes totaled 23.55 billion yuan, accounting for around 48% of total revenue.
The company’s solutions are used by 8,000 hotels in China and have helped upgrade 350,000 rooms.
Buoyed by technological innovations and transformation in consumer demands, the travel sector has soared despite turbulence in the year.
ttg has so far serviced over 100,000 travelers who spent an average price of 90 to 120 yuan per order.
Early entry was but the first step of’s game plan on building its presence in China, and partnering with major local players is deemed essential.