Home > > Room 77′s CEO Drew Patterson: Google to license our software

Room 77′s CEO Drew Patterson: Google to license our software

04/08/2014| 6:04:23 PM| 中文

Room 77, the hotel metasearch startup, sent a letter today to its shareholders saying that Google is licensing its booking software, according to a story first reported by Bloomberg News.

The move suggests Google is moving into fulfillment, not just search. Google will be able to bolster its Hotel Finder metasearch tool as a result.

CEO Drew Patterson confirmed the story to Tnooz.

The startup will keep its consumer brand. Yet the company’s “primary focus” will be CheckMate, a B2B service for hotels to manage mobile bookings, that it acquired last year.

Read full story at: http://www.tnooz.com/article/room-77-scores-coup-google-license/

TAGS: Google | Room 77 | hotel booking
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