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Travel surge continues as festival spurs demand

06/11/2024| 2:05:05 PM|

There is a slight decrease in overall crowds this year due to the scheduling overlap with China's crucial college entrance examination.

Dragon Boat Festival, which in 2009 became the first Chinese holiday inscribed on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage list, concluded with traditional festivities that added vibrancy to popular tourist destinations.

Figures from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism showed a 6.3-percent year-on-year increase in domestic tourism during the three-day holiday period, which started on Saturday. Over 110 million tourist visits were recorded, generating about 40.4 billion yuan ($5.57 billion) in tourism revenue, an 8.1-percent rise compared with last year.

Destinations known for their traditional Dragon Boat Festival celebrations, particularly dragon boat races, remained popular.

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TAGS: Dragon Boat Festival | China's college entrance examination | dragon boat races
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