Home > > Hong Kong sees surge in visitors during the Dragon Boat Festival three-day holiday

Hong Kong sees surge in visitors during the Dragon Boat Festival three-day holiday

06/13/2024| 2:03:54 PM|

There are millions of posts about traveling in Hong Kong on Xiaohongshu, stimulating the interest of potential visitors.

Hong Kong's efforts to host large-scale cultural and sports events helped attract more than 400,000 visitors from around the world to experience a blend of tradition and modernity during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday.

Over the three-day break that began on Saturday, the city recorded over 412,800 visitors — an 11 percent jump from the same period last year.

Tourists from the Chinese mainland accounted for over 330,000, up nearly 10 percent year-on-year and almost 40 percent more than during the first three days of the Easter holiday in March.

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TAGS: Hong Kong | the Dragon Boat Festival | Xiaohongshu | the Chinese mainland
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