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Starwood launches comprehensive online booking in Chinese

03/09/2011| 9:19:53 AM| ChinaTravelNews 中文

Now, Chinese speakers can use double byte Chinese characters on starwoodhotels.com to search for a hotel, make reservations, retrieve booking information or enroll in the Starwood Preferred Guest program.

Now, Chinese speakers can use double byte Chinese characters on starwoodhotels.com to search for a hotel, make reservations, retrieve booking information or enroll in the Starwood Preferred Guest program.

Starwood Hotels & Resorts has added comprehensive, online booking capabilities in Chinese to all of its Starwood-branded websites, including SPG.com. Now, Chinese speakers can use double byte Chinese characters to search for a hotel, make reservations, retrieve booking information or enroll in the Starwood Preferred Guest program. This added capability underscores the importance of China to Starwood’s future growth.

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