As a key hub in the global tourism market, Northeast Asia’s 2024 inbound and outbound tourism data has become clear — compared to 2023, Chinese tourists have played an increasingly prominent role.
According to statistics for 2024 on inbound tourism to Japan, the top five source regions were: South Korea (8.82 million visits), mainland China (6.98 million visits), Taiwan, China (6.04 million visits), Hong Kong, China (2.68 million visits), and Thailand (1.15 million visits). Together, these five regions accounted for 70% of total inbound tourism to Japan.
It is worth noting that the number of Chinese tourists has rapidly rebounded, increasing by 188% compared to 2023. This trend is likely to continue into 2025.
Regarding Japan’s outbound tourism statistics for 2024, the annual data has yet to be released.
Based on statistics from the first eleven months of 2024, the top five destinations for Japanese outbound tourists were: South Korea (2.97 million visits), the United States (1.68 million visits), Taiwan, China (1.17 million visits), Thailand (950,000 visits), and Vietnam (660,000 visits). These five destinations accounted for 63% of Japan’s total outbound tourism.
While South Korea has not yet published full-year data, the trend is already evident. The first eleven months of 2024 show robust growth in inbound tourism.
The top five source regions for South Korea’s inbound tourism up to November 2024 were: mainland China (3.76 million visits), Japan (3.40 million visits), Taiwan, China (1.35 million visits), Hong Kong, China (710,000 visits), and the United States (670,000 visits). These five regions collectively accounted for 59% of South Korea’s total inbound tourism.
The numbers show a marked increase in tourists from China, with a 109% rise compared to 2023. This trend is also likely to continue.
Meanwhile, South Korea’s outbound tourism market showed robust growth in the first eleven months last year. The top five destinations were: Japan (7.76 million visits), Vietnam (4.05 million visits), China (2.08 million visits), Thailand (1.53 million visits), and the Philippines (1.52 million visits). These five destinations together accounted for 65% of all outbound travel from South Korea.
Notably, China saw the fastest growth rate as a destination, with an annual increase of 121%. This highlights that tourism exchanges between China and South Korea are not only growing rapidly, but are doing at a pace that far exceeds the average growth rate of 28%.