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Trip.com Group launches renovation solution for hotels

10/16/2024| 8:25:13 PM| ChinaTravelNews

The solution can reduce the traditional construction period by half.

China’s online travel giant Trip.com Group introduced a "design-driven, quick-installation and light- renovation" modular solution for hotel upgrades. The offering provides a range of services including room refurbishment, lobby re-design and intelligent operations enhancements.

The program features short construction timeline, minimal impact on operations, and customized design options, catering to different levels of renovations - lightweight, moderate, or comprehensive.

For example, in a 100-room property, lightweight renovations takes about 3 days per room, with a total project duration of only 30 days. Comprehensive renovations, with the efficient collaboration between Trip.com and its partners in design, integration, construction management, can reduce the traditional 150-day timeline to just 75 days - cutting the construction period by 50%, saving time and rental costs for the hotel.

In addition to saving time and cost, Trip.com leverages its supply chain capabilities to offer better procurement services and pricing for materials, home appliances and furnishings.

To alleviate cash flow pressure during renovation, Trip.com Group also offers renovation loans through its finance unit. Hotels can secure loans covering up to 50% of total costs, applicable to new hotel construction, as well as upgrades and expansion of existing properties.

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TAGS: Trip.com | hotel renovation
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