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China's senior tourists could be a silver lining for travel firms

08/19/2024| 2:04:49 PM|

The number of active elderly travelers will surpass 100 million next year when the domestic silver tourism market will hit 1 trillion yuan ($139.9 billion) annually.

Travel companies are betting that Chinese tourism could return to its pre-pandemic boom days if they tweak tours to avoid steep hikes, add nurses and healthcare professionals to their staff, and offer discounts for the seniors they're targeting.

"We are starting to see an increasing segment of older Chinese consumers who are not only affluent but, more importantly, willing to spend on quality lifestyle pursuits and personal development," said Wee-Hoon Tan, senior vice-president of product development and marketing at Viking Cruises China.

About 300 million people currently aged 50 to 60 - almost equivalent to the entire U.S. population, are set to retire over the next 10 years, and the National Committee on Aging estimates silver travel will account for 50% of domestic travel by 2040.

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TAGS: senior tourists | silver tourism market
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