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China's tourist hotspots lift reservation requirements amid surge in visitors

07/19/2024| 12:21:17 PM|

The policy change is also good news for the growing number of foreign tourists choosing China as their destination.

As China's tourist destinations experience a surge in both domestic and international visitors this summer, many popular spots have eliminated reservation requirements to reduce hassle and offer a seamless travel experience for tourists.

Tourists can now visit most of the top-level attractions in cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Chengdu, and Hangzhou without booking a time slot in advance.

While these changes have garnered broad support, they have also sparked debate about whether the travel experience's quality might be compromised due to increased visitor numbers, with many expressing concern that lifting these requirements could lead to overcrowding at popular sites.

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TAGS: reservation requirements | Shanghai | Beijing | Suzhou | Chengdu | Hangzhou
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