Home > > 144-hour visa-free transit policy triggers 'China Travel' boom

144-hour visa-free transit policy triggers 'China Travel' boom

07/17/2024| 1:57:37 PM|

China expanded the policy to three additional entry ports, taking the total number to 37.

With China's more friendly visa policy for foreign visitors put in place, a surge of "China Travel" excitement has been ignited, leading to a growing number of foreign bloggers eagerly sharing their travel experiences in China on various social media platforms.

According to China's National Immigration Administration (NIA), the total number of visa-free entries made by eligible foreigners exceeded 8.54 million in the first six months of 2024, accounting for 52 percent of the inbound trips during the period and representing a year-on-year growth of 190.1 percent.

In a move to further facilitate international travel, China announced on Monday the expansion of its 144-hour visa-free transit policy to three additional entry ports, taking the number of Chinese ports covered by the policy to 37.

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TAGS: 144-hour visa-free transit policy | foreign visitors
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