Home > > Chinese visitors to Vietnam rise sharply in May

Chinese visitors to Vietnam rise sharply in May

06/28/2024| 11:41:23 AM|

Affordable prices, beautiful beaches, and diverse services are reasons why a large number of tourists come to Vietnam every day.

According to the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism, Chinese visitors totaled 357,000 in May, reclaiming the top spot for the first time in many years and surpassing the 351,000 visitors from South Korea, who led the rankings for the past four years.

In the first five months of the year, Da Nang City welcomed over 163,000 Chinese visitors, nearly 11% of the city's total international arrivals.

Before the pandemic, China was Vietnam's largest tourism market, with over 5.8 million visitors in 2019, accounting for one-third of international visitors. Tourism businesses are optimistic that the return of Chinese tourists will substantially contribute to Vietnam's goal of attracting 18 million international visitors this year.

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TAGS: Vietnam | Chinese visitors | tourism market
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