Home > > Saudi Arabia announces its adoption as an official tourist destination for Chinese tourists

Saudi Arabia announces its adoption as an official tourist destination for Chinese tourists

06/25/2024| 12:02:55 PM|

The Kingdom aims to attract more than 5 million Chinese tourists by 2030, making China the third largest source.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced its adoption as an official tourist destination for tourists from the People’s Republic of China, starting on July 1, 2024 , after a series of meetings, memorandums of understanding, and fruitful cooperation between the Saudi and Chinese tourism sectors.

Many steps have been taken to ensure a smooth, enjoyable, and safe tourist experience for Chinese tourists, such as facilitating visa procedures, reducing costs, and increasing flight capacity by more than 130%.

The Chinese language has also been included in airports, destinations, and tourist sites, and preferred payment systems for Chinese tourists such as “UnionPay” have been made available.

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TAGS: Saudi Arabia | official tourist destination for Chinese tourists
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