Home > > Shanghai expands foreign card acceptance to enhance tourist experience

Shanghai expands foreign card acceptance to enhance tourist experience

06/12/2024| 11:16:09 AM|

The acceptance of foreign cards will be further extended to small-denomination payment scenes in the metropolis.

As a popular first stop for overseas visitors to China, Shanghai is enhancing the consumer experience for tourists using foreign bank cards with its evolving digital payment systems.

Official data from the municipal government showed that, since late 2023, Shanghai has opened more than 37,000 foreign card point-of-sale (POS) terminals throughout the city.

Some Shanghai taxis now accept foreign bank cards for fare payment, making the city a pioneer on the Chinese mainland for this convenient option. All these taxis will also provide a travel guide printed in English and Japanese, helping those who do not understand Chinese to communicate with drivers.

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TAGS: Shanghai | tourist experience | digital payment systems | foreign bank cards
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