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Easier travel fuels Chinese people’s interest in global destinations

06/07/2024| 11:31:07 AM|

As of Monday, bookings for outbound travel products during the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday surged by 100 percent compared to the same period last year.

As the Chinese traditional Dragon Boat Festival and summer vacation are around the corner, Chinese people are enthusiastically planning travel, with many of them opting for international destinations this year as traveling abroad becomes more convenient.

According to the online travel platform Mafengwo, Chinese travelers are mostly opting for short trips to destinations near China for this year's Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival. Of all the destinations, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore are some of the top choices.

The popularity of outbound travel results from several measures facilitating cross-border people-to-people exchanges China introduced in 2024, such as simplifying visa procedures, concluding visa exemption agreements with more foreign countries, and establishing direct flight routes to travel destinations overseas.

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TAGS: outbound travel | the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday
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