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Trip.com reveals new trends in global travel attractions

06/04/2024| 12:56:59 PM|

There has been a significant surge in international travel, with a 34% increase in 2023 over the previous year.

At the Trip.com Group Envision 2024 Global Conference held in Shanghai on 30 May 2024, travel and technology experts gathered to discuss the future of tourism, particularly focusing on attractions and tours.

According to Jim Ji, vice-president of the Trip.com Group and CEO of Attractions & Tours, the shift in traveler demographics and preferences, with younger generations favoring local and immersive experiences over traditional tourism activities.

The conference also highlighted the critical role of technology in reshaping the travel industry. Advanced tools such as AI are revolutionizing the way travelers plan and experience their journeys.

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TAGS: Trip.com | global travel | traveler demographics and preferences
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