Home > > Xiaohongshu- and Trip.com-invested PMS startup Smart Order eyes global expansion

Xiaohongshu- and Trip.com-invested PMS startup Smart Order eyes global expansion

05/21/2024| 4:33:48 PM| ChinaTravelNews

The company has served more than 600 overseas merchants, covering 22+ countries worldwide.

Smart Order (locally known as DingDanLaiLe), an alternative accommodation PMS solution provider in China, announced that it has secured a strategic investment from social media platform Xiaohongshu and existing shareholder Trip.com Group.

The proceeds of this financing round will be mainly used for product development, iteration and eco-system construction.

In June 2022, Smart Order received $7.4 million in a Trip.com-backed funding round. 

As a third-party PMS technology service provider for homestay businesses and small- and medium-sized hotels, Smart Order will serve as a channel and bridge, linking Xiaohongshu and the hospitality merchants that want to do business on the social platform.

In April 2020,Smart Order reached a strategic cooperation with Xiaohongshu as the first company to facilitate direct accommodation booking on the platform. Hotels and B&B providers can complete transactions with their guests directly on Xiaohongshu.

As of the end of 2023, over 6,500 hotel and tourism brands had launched their pages on Xiaohongshu through partnerships with Smart Order, boosting the annual transaction volume by 150% year-on-year.

The company is also eyeing the global market, with its overseas development plan launched in May 2023. The international version of Smart Order PMS offers a basic version with free registration for overseas merchants, supporting multi-language services, multi-currency payments and settlements. Smart Order said it will help international merchants establish flagship sites starting from scratch, offering direct connectivity with mainstream international booking channels such as Booking, Agoda, and Expedia.

The company has so far served more than 600 overseas merchants, covering over 22 countries worldwide, including France, UAE, Switzerland, Japan and Singapore.

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TAGS: Smart Order | RED | Trip.com | investment
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