Home > > Chinese star-rated hotels generate 57.77 billion yuan in Q4, AOR at 57.71%

Chinese star-rated hotels generate 57.77 billion yuan in Q4, AOR at 57.71%

03/20/2018| 6:37:32 PM| ChinaTravelNews 中文

Some 9,775 star-rated hotels in China reported totaled operating incomes of 57.77 billion yuan in Q4 2017, of which 25.251 billion yuan, or 43.71%, was room revenues.

About 97.93%, or 10,735, of the 10,962 star-rated hotels registered in the management system of China National Tourism Administration provided data of their operation for Q4 2017.

All hotels in 40 cities including Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Taiyuan and Hohhot have reported their operation, while the reporting rate of hotels in 48 of the 50 major tourist cities nationwide was over 90%.

In Q4 2017, a total of 9,775 star-rated hotels passed the examination of provincial tourism administrations. Among those, 66 are one-star hotels, 1,774 two-star hotels, 4,721 three-star hotels, 2,392 four-star hotels and 822 five-star hotels.

The 9,775 star-rated hotels generated total revenues of RMB 57.77 billion in the fourth quarter, of which F&B incomes constituted RMB 24.165 billion (41.83%) and guest room incomes RMB 25.251 billion, or 43.71%.

The average room rate (ARR) of all star-rated hotels for Q4 was 352.23 yuan per room night. Average occupancy rate (AOR) was 57.71%, revenue per available room (RevPAR) was 203.28 yuan, and average operating income per room was 39,322 yuan.


TAGS: star-rated hotel | CNTA
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