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TripAdvisor revenue rises 6% in Q1 2017

05/10/2017| 11:29:26 PM| ChinaTravelNews 中文

User reviews and opinions grew 43% and reached 500 million at March 31, 2017. GAAP Net Income slided 55% to USD 13 million.

CEO Steve Kaufer said, “Later in Q2, we plan to launch a brand advertising campaign to build user awareness of TripAdvisor as not only a great place to research a hotel, but a great place to find the lowest prices when a user is ready to book.” 


* Revenue was USD 372 million, up by 6% year-over-year
* The firm repurchased 3,529,923 shares of TripAdvisor outstanding common stock for USD 150 million
* Average monthly unique hotel shoppers reached nearly 150 million, up 9% year-over-year
* TripAdvisor-branded click-based and transaction revenue per hotel shopper increased 2% year-over-year
* Average monthly unique visitors reached nearly 390 million, up 14% year-over-year
* User reviews and opinions grew 43% year-over-year and reached 500 million at March 31, 2017, covering approximately
1,080,000 hotels and accommodations, 820,000 vacation rentals, 4.3 million restaurants and 790,000 activities and attractions

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TAGS: TripAdvisor | financial statements
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