Home > > Mastercard and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism unveil enhanced Priceless Beijing

Mastercard and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism unveil enhanced Priceless Beijing

06/17/2024| 2:37:37 PM|

Global tourism is booming: nine out of the last 10 record-setting spending days in the global cruise and airline industries occurred this year.

Mastercard and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism have announced the relaunch of Priceless Beijing during a ceremony at the Zhengyici Peking Opera Theatre. Underscoring the power of public-private partnerships to enhance tourism, the organizations signed their third cooperation agreement in 2012.

This agreement reaffirms their shared dedication to delivering unforgettable Priceless Experiences for inbound travelers to China.

With this relaunch, visitors to Beijing can enjoy Priceless Experiences at the iconic Great Wall, the Peking Opera, and King’s Joy, the first Michelin Green Star and three-Michelin-starred vegetarian restaurant in China, and more.

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TAGS: Mastercard | Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism | Priceless Beijing
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