Home > > New Zealand tourists offered visa-free access to China, triggering a surge in China-related online searches

New Zealand tourists offered visa-free access to China, triggering a surge in China-related online searches

06/14/2024| 2:08:22 PM|

Of the 225,000 overseas visitor arrivals in April 2024, 10 percent were from China, ranking second after Australians, according to Stats New Zealand.

China on Thursday announced that New Zealand is now placed on the list of the visa-free countries. After the announcement, the searches by New Zealand tourists for China-related keywords, in 30 minutes, increased by 65 percent from the previous day on the online travel agency Trip.com.

Since the beginning of 2024, inbound tourism orders made by New Zealand tourists have increased by nearly 60 percent year-on-year, ranking the 15th largest source of inbound tourism in China.

Currently, the number of flights between China and New Zealand has surpassed that in the same period of 2019. Many airliners have started or resumed direct flights between Chinese cities and Auckland, a large metropolitan city in New Zealand.

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TAGS: New Zealand | visa-free | China-related online searches
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