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Riyadh Air and China Eastern Airlines to bolster connectivity

06/07/2024| 11:33:58 AM|

China Eastern Airlines recently launched direct flights from Shanghai to Riyadh.

Riyadh Air, Saudi Arabia's new national airline, has signed in Dubai recently, a memorandum of understanding with China Eastern Airlines, a Shanghai-based global airline, aimed at developing ties between the countries, while unlocking new travel options for underserved markets.

Wang Zhiqing, Chairman of China Eastern Airlines, said: "The Memorandum of Understanding facilitates the seamless connection between China Eastern Airlines' Shanghai-based hub network and Riyadh Air's future route network. This will ease passenger transfers between China and regions such as the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and South America, fostering new development and growth for both parties. ”

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TAGS: Riyadh Air | China Eastern Airlines | memorandum of understanding
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