Home > > Macao bags first place in a Chinese Tourism Academy satisfaction survey

Macao bags first place in a Chinese Tourism Academy satisfaction survey

05/30/2024| 12:39:00 PM|

It is the first time Macao has achieved a first-place ranking in this survey.

Macao was voted as the destination that mainland Chinese travelers were most satisfied with during the first quarter of 2024, earning a total of 83.49 points against Hong Kong’s 81.77 points, the Chinese Tourism Academy (CTA) said in a WeChat post published yesterday.

Last year, a study by the CTA revealed that out of the roughly 40 million outbound trips that mainland travelers took in 2023, a whopping 40 percent consisted of trips to Macao.

Macao remains heavily reliant on the mainland market whose travelers accounted for 70 percent of the city’s total visitor arrivals during the first four months of this year, according to official data.

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TAGS: Macao | Chinese Tourism Academy satisfaction survey
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