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Sanya launches tourism marketing events in the Middle East

05/28/2024| 3:06:55 PM|

This is the first time Sanya has carried out cross-border tourism marketing events there.

During the period of May 13th to 26th, the Sanya Tourism Board held the Sanya Food Festival in Dubai, the Sanya Food & Culture Exchange and Promotion Week, a tourism promotion event, and business visits to tourism associations, enterprises, and chambers of commerce representatives and other activities to show Sanya's unique tourism resources, cultural charms comprehensively.

This is the first time Sanya has gone to the Middle East to carry out cross-border tourism marketing and promotional events. It is also an important initiative for the Chinese coastal city to respond to the call of "China-UAE Jointly Constructing the Belt and Road Initiative", and to expand its passenger sources in overseas markets by taking advantage of the international aviation hub in the Middle East.

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TAGS: Sanya | Middle East | the Belt and Road Initiative
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