Home > > China to fully implement visa-free policy for cruise tourists

China to fully implement visa-free policy for cruise tourists

05/15/2024| 4:34:24 PM|

The tourist groups must travel with the same cruise ship to the next port until the cruise leaves the country.

Starting from May 15, 2024, foreign tourist groups (of two or more people) arriving in China by cruise ship and organized by Chinese travel agencies can enter and stay without a visa for up to 15 days through the cruise ports of 13 cities.

They are Tianjin, Dalian in Liaoning, Shanghai, Lianyungang in Jiangsu, Wenzhou, and Zhoushan in Zhejiang, Xiamen in Fujian, Qingdao in Shandong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in Guangdong, Beihai in Guangxi, Haikou and Sanya in Hainan.

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TAGS: visa-free | cruise travel
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