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China's first direct air passenger route to Latin America starts services

05/13/2024| 1:11:08 PM|

The flight time is significantly cut from the previous 30-40 hours to just 16 hours now.

The first direct passenger flight between China and Mexico landed in Mexico City on Saturday after a 16-hour journey, marking the official opening of China's first direct passenger route to Latin America without any stopover.

The flight, which runs from Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province, to Mexico City twice per week, covers more than 14,000 kilometers, the longest direct international route in China and also one of the 10 longest direct flights in the world.

Previously, Chinese passengers flying from China to Mexico or other Latin American countries had to make one or two transfers or stopovers at other airports in North America, Europe, or the Middle East, and the journey could take as long as 30 to 40 hours.

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TAGS: Latin America | air travel
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