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More Laos-China tourist train launched

05/11/2024| 10:52:29 AM|

Earlier, Yunnan, Hubei, and Beijing had offered similar tourism products to Laos through the Laos-China railway system.

The train that set off from Guiyang, the capital of China’s southwestern province of Guizhou, on May 8 arrived in Vientiane, Laos, one day later.

The train, the first Guizhou-Laos, carries 240 passengers who will visit several landmark attractions in Laos, including Luang Prabang, Vangvieng town in Vientiane province, and Vientiane capital city, during their eight-day trip.

Meanwhile, trains bringing tourists from other Southeast Asian countries to Guizhou will also be launched in the time ahead.

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TAGS: Laos | tourist train | Guizhou
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